? Healthy Dog Treats- Our Ocean Puppy Grain Free complete food with Salmon and Trout is packed with essential Omega 3 & 6 to offer a range of healthy benefits including supporting cognitive function, visual development, cardiovascular, healthy skin and joint care and to help maintain a healthy skincoat
? PREMIUM QUALITY ONLY - We use only 100% natural ingredients and a high content of fish! Our complete food undergoes a Freshtrusion process that cooks the fish at a gentle 90°C temperature, keeping in the freshness and protecting the protein, whilst adding our other ingredients. This results in higher nutrient bio-availability, higher digestibility, protected protein, improved sensory acceptance, and a fuller flavor
? THE REFINED RECIPE - This recipe is designed to be suitable for adult dogs with grain free treats intolerance or sensitivity. Instead we've used Sweet Potato, an excellent alternative to grain and a complex carbohydrate that offers slow releasing energy and a great source of B vitamins
? ? ONLY THE BEST - Contains high levels of Salmon, a highly digestible protein source that is rich in amino acids which are important for growth, development and small firm stools! Fish is highly palatable making it ideal for fussy eaters
?? ASK THE EXPERTS - We have over 100 years combined experience and knowledge in the pet and fishing industries. We're passionate about what we do, and the health and well being of our furry customers will always be our first priority. We're committed to only making totally natural dog food biscuits, dog treats and food that help your dog maintain a healthy balanced diet and active lifestyle