For ULTIMATE FRESHNESS AND CLEANLINESS of tiny pet's home, this bundle includes Beaphar Cage Fresh Granules 600g, Clean and Safe Pet Disinfectant 500ml, Soft n Safe Bedding 20g x2, and Apple Sticks.
Beaphar Cage Fresh Granules 600g contains friendly microbes that work tirelessly to ELIMINATE UNPLEASANT HUTCH AND CAGE ODOURS and leave the pet's habitat smelling fresh and clean.
Elevate your small animal care routine with the powerful and reliable protection of Johnson's Clean n Safe Spray Small Animals, a disinfectant solution FOR MAINTAINING FRESH AND HYGIENIC homes for tiny pets.
Rosewood Soft n Safe Small Pet Bedding is an ALL-NATURAL BEDDING from the seed pods of the kapok tree with SOFT AND SHORT FIBRES that won't form long, twisted strings, perfect for hamsters, gerbils and mice.
Apple Wood Chew Sticks are natural small animal treats that PROMOTE GOOD DENTAL HEALTH FOR SMALL ANIMALS, keeping their teeth clean, trim and healthy.